
Projects Description Language
Museum Of Transport Greater Manchester C
Simple Face Detection app Java
learning ruby learning how to programing in ruby Ruby
Getting Started with Rails Getting Started with Rails with codeplace Ruby
Global travel PHP
Useful scripts script to make my life easy. Ruby
adding search Ruby
Stockulus Shift Stockulus Shift Warwick Hackathon project JavaScript
CanYouLeadMe Can You Lead Me is an offline alternative to Google Maps, as the application send a SMS to the server of current location and destination and it sends back direction to the phone where application displays it in a beautiful interface Java
Cango Webshop congo webapp - Java servlet project Java
Enterprise Programming Web Services Developing, deploying, publishing and finding your own web service Java
Mobile App Development Assignment IoT Java
The Intelligent Room The Intelligent Room. Construction of Smart Devices to enhance everyday living Java
MMU Swift Crash Course MMU Swift Crash Course Swift
Thoughtworks Mars Rover Thoughtworks Mars Rover Graduate assement Java
quotes of the day twitter bot quotes of the day twitter bot JavaScript
Software Engineering Concepts In Practice Software Engineering Concepts In Practice Python
Rentalcars com technical test Technical Test Java
Emergency Airways Speech recognition software for management of airway emergencies during Hi-fidelity simulation Java
pattern based survey pattern-based-survey Java
Agile and Test Driven Development Agile and Test-Driven Development (comp62521-2017-lab) Python
Component based Software Development COMP62532 Component-based Software Development, COMP62532 Java
BPDTS technical assessment BPDTS technical assessment Java
dwp techtest Department for Work and Pensions Technical Assessment Java
Well pharmacy Technical Assessment Java
Introducing Go Build Reliable Scalable Programs Writing Go by reading Introducing Go Build Reliable, Scalable Programs by Caleb Doxsey an O'Reilly Book Go TypeScript
Open Graph Social Media Image Generator Go
Prayer Timetable TypeScript
codespaces dotfile bash